Introduction to problem solving
5.1 Concept: problem solving
Definition of problem
- It is an issue or obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal ,objective or purpose.
- It refer to a situation, condition or issue that is yet unresolved.
- It is question or situation that motivates us to search for solution.
Definition of problem Solving
- The process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution.
- It is mental process that involving discovering, analyzing & solving problems
- It include:
- Understand the problem
- Plan a solution
- Carry out the plan
- Examine the result for accuracy
5.2 Steps in problem solving
- Defining (identifying) the problem
- Most difficult & the most important of all the steps.
- Help to diagnosing the situation so that focusing on the real problem.
- Gather Facts(Data):
- Define key terms
- Articulate Assumptions
- Discuss the problem with someone else
- Get the viewpoint of others
- Generate alternate options:
- Representing problem we will select information(options) that is relevant including goal, initial state, operators & restrictions.
- Operators are actions that change the initial state of the problem into another
- Discuss the problem with someone else
- Categorize type of problem, develop similar situations, identify the criteria for evaluating.
- Implement & Evaluate:
- Make a list of the different options that we generated, select one or more solutions options from near top of your list to try.
- Evaluations based on whether or not your goals are met.
- Monitor the solution:
- Re-apply measurements to confirm that change has taken place.
- Ensure that the change do not negatively impact another area.
- Provide sufficient information & training so that change can be sustained.
5.3 Problem solving techniques
- Trial and error is a problem solving method in which multiple attempts are made to reach a solution.
- It is a basic method of learning that essentially all organisms (things) use to learn new behaviors. Trial and error is trying a method, observing if it works, and if it doesn't trying a new method.
- This process is repeated until success or a solution is reached.
- Easy to implement
- Time consuming because of need to run each & every test.
- Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas contributed by its members.
- Easy to understand, inexpensive, generate idea & solutions.
- Participants have to listen idea & have to spend more time to sharing their ideas till they are noticed by others.
- The approach divides the bigger problem into smaller subproblems, and the solution to the original large problem is achieved by combining the solutions to the smaller subproblems.
- General Strategy for Divide and Conquer:
- Divide: Divide the problem into smaller sub-problems.
- Solve: Sub-problems are solved independently.
- Combine: Combine sub problem solutions in order to deduce the answer to the original large problem.
- Solving difficult problems, algorithm efficiency.
- Complicated for simple problems
Trial & error technique
Brainstorming technique
Divide & conquer technique
5.4 Algorithms and Flowcharts (Definitions, Symbols)
- A set of instructions for solving a problem.
- Step-by-step procedure for solving a particular problem is an algorithm
- Step-by-step solution to a problem.
5.5 Characteristics of an Algorithm:
- Input: Must have zero or more input.
- Output: Must produce one output at least.
- Definiteness: Each instruction must be clear & distinct.
- Finiteness: Must terminate after a finite number of steps.
- Effectiveness: Each operation must be definite (fixed) also it should be feasible.
- It give language independent layout of the program.
- It simple & easy to understand.
- It is to debug as every step is got its own logical sequence.
- It is easy to first develop algorithm & then convert into a flowchart & then into a computer program.
- Time Consuming
- Cumbersome
- It is symbolic representation of a solution to give task problem.
- Graphical representation of a process is called as flowchart
- Pictorial representation of algorithm.
- Proper documentation
- Efficient coding
- Proper Debugging
- Effective Analysis
- Loss of technical detail
- Time Consuming
- Alteration & modification
- Complex Logic
Flowchart Symbols
5.6 Conditionals in pseudo-code
Pseudo-code is a way to express algorithms in a language-independent, human-readable format. It's used to outline the logic of a program without getting into the specifics of a particular programming language syntax.
Here's how you might write conditional statements in pseudo-code:1. If Statement:
The basic structure of an if statement in pseudo-code is as follows:
if condition then
// Code to execute if the condition is true
end if
Here's an example using pseudo-code to express an if statement:
if temperature > 30 then
display "It's a hot day!"
end if
2. If-Else Statement:
An if-else statement in pseudo-code allows you to handle both the true and false conditions:
if condition then
// Code to execute if the condition is true
// Code to execute if the condition is false
end if
Here's an example using pseudo-code to express an if statement:
if temperature > 30 then
display "It's a hot day!"
display "It's a Cold day!"
end if
5.7 Loops in pseudo code
1. For Loop:
A for loop is used to repeat a block of code for a specific number of iterations. The basic structure of a for loop in pseudo-code is as follows:
Syntax:for variable = start_value to end_value do
// Code to be repeated
end for
for i = 1 to 10 dodisplay i
end for
2. While Loop:
A while loop repeats a block of code as long as a certain condition is true. The basic structure of a while loop in pseudo-code is as follows:Syntax:
while condition do
// Code to be repeated
end while
sum = 0while sum < 100 do
sum = sum + input_number
end while
3. Do-While Loop:
A do-while loop is similar to a while loop, but the condition is checked after the code block is executed, ensuring that the code block is executed at least once.Syntax:
// Code to be repeated
while condition
dodisplay "Enter a positive number:"
input number
while number <= 0
5.8 Algorithm Complexities
- It is function of size of input of a given problem instance which determines how much running time /memory space is needed by the algorithm in order to run to completion
- Analysis of the program requires two main considerations one is time complexity and other is space complexity
- The notation we used : big-O i.e. O(n)
- It measures program or algorithm is take the amount of computer time that it needs to run to completion.
- Example
- Algorithm 1:
Frequency count algorithm 1 is 1. - Algorithm 2:
for x=1 to n
Frequency count algorithm 2 is n.
- Algorithm 3:
for x=1 to n
for y=1 to n
a=a+1 - Frequency count algorithm 3 is n*n=n2.
Time Complexity
Algorithm Analysis
Best Case Time Complexity
- It is measure of the minimum time that algorithm will require for an input of size ‘n’. Worst Case Time Complexity
- It is measure of the maximum time that algorithm will require for an input of size ‘n’. Average Case Time Complexity
- Comes under between Best Case Time Complexity & Worst Case Time Complexity
Big-O Notation
Big O notation is a mathematical notation used in computer science and mathematics to describe the performance or complexity of algorithms. It provides a way to analyze how the runtime or resource usage of an algorithm scales with the size of the input data.
In essence, Big O notation describes the upper bound of an algorithm's efficiency. It helps programmers and computer scientists compare different algorithms and make informed decisions about which algorithm to use for a particular problem based on its time and space complexity.
The notation uses the letter "O" followed by a function that represents the upper bound of an algorithm's growth rate. Here are some common Big O notations and their meanings:
O(1) - Constant Time: The algorithm's runtime or resource usage remains constant regardless of the input size. It's the most efficient scenario.
O(log n) - Logarithmic Time: The algorithm's runtime increases logarithmically with the input size. Commonly seen in algorithms that divide the input space in half with each step, like binary search.
O(n) - Linear Time: The algorithm's runtime grows linearly with the input size. As the input grows, the runtime also grows proportionally.
O(n log n) - Linearithmic Time: Commonly seen in more efficient sorting algorithms like mergesort and heapsort.
O(n^2) - Quadratic Time: The algorithm's runtime is proportional to the square of the input size. Often seen in algorithms with nested loops.
O(n^k) - Polynomial Time: The algorithm's runtime is proportional to a polynomial of the input size. Higher powers indicate worse performance.
O(2^n) - Exponential Time: The algorithm's runtime doubles with each increase in input size. Often seen in brute-force algorithms.
O(n!) - Factorial Time: The algorithm's runtime increases by a factorial with the input size. Extremely inefficient for large inputs.
5.9 Simple Examples: Algorithms and flowcharts (Real Life Examples)
- Step 1: Start
- Step 2: Read a number to N
- Step 3: Divide the number by 2 and store the remainder in R.
- Step 4: If R = O Then go to Step 6
- Step 5: Print “N is odd” go to step 7
- Step 6: Print “N is even”
- Step 7: Stop
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